The more you know, the better

you can protect against fleas

Did you know?

  • Only 5% of an flea infestation consist of adult fleas? That means 95% of the average infestation is made up of immature fleas like flea eggs, larvae, and pupae.

  • Fleas can transmit life-threatening illnesses, and can be active all year-round depending on where you live!

  • Fleas jump on animals to feed on their blood, causing itching, discomfort, and potentially transmitting diseases.


The life cycle of a flea consists of four stages: flea egg, flea larvae, flea pupae, and adult fleas – each playing a significant role in the reproduction and infestation process.

  • 01 EGG sTAGE

    On their host or within your pet's fur, a single female flea can lay up to 50 eggs in a day. Flea eggs are not sticky and oftentimes tend to fall off onto the pet's bedding, carpet, or any other environments pets frequent, potentially leading to an in-home infestation. Depending on if conditions are favorable, flea eggs hatch between 1 to 12 days, so time is of the essence.

  • 02 Larvae STAGE

    Once hatched, flea larvae are worm-like and avoid light by burrowing into carpets, bedding, and crevices. They feed on organic debris and flea feces, also known as "flea dirt." The larval stage typically lasts for about 5-11 days.

  • 03 Pupae STAGE

    By spinning a cocoon around itself, the flea larvae now develops into a flea pupae. The pupae can stay dormant for a few days up or even up to several months, depending on environmental conditions. During this period, the pupae is resistant to insecticides, making it challenging to eliminate them completely.


    When conditions are optimal, the adult flea emerges from the cocoon. They are attracted to vibrations, warmth, and exhaled carbon dioxide, prompting them to jump onto nearby hosts, like your pet. They feed on the host's blood and begin the reproduction cycle, laying eggs within 24-48 hours of their first blood meal. The life span of an adult flea can range from a few weeks to several months, with continuous reproduction if not addressed.

health risks of fleas

01 Severe Itching & Discomfort

A flea bite can lead to excessive scratching, itching, and skin irritation. In some cases, pets may suffer from an allergic reaction to flea saliva and develop flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), causing more itching, irritation, and possibly infection.

02 Disease

As fleas jump on their host to begin biting and feeding, they could transmit various diseases to pets, including Bartonella (cat-scratch disease) and even bubonic plague in rare instances. If a pet swallows a flea infected with tapeworm larvae, they may also be at risk of tapeworms.

03 Tapeworms

Fleas are intermediate hosts for tapeworms. When pets groom themselves, they run the risk of ingesting fleas. And in doing so, they may also ingest tapeworm larvae, leading to a tapeworm infestation. These parasites can steal vital nutrients from your pet's body, leading to malnutrition and other health issues.

04 In-Home Infestations

Fleas are prolific breeders, and an untreated infestation can quickly spread throughout your home, impacting your family members as well. Fleas can also bite humans, causing itchy red bumps.